JoleneMay 4, 2021BiographiesMen of Honor, Part 3: A Gift Like No OtherWelcome to the third installment of the Men of Honor series. In the last two weeks I have shared the stories of Charles Coolidge and...
JoleneApr 27, 2021BiographiesMen of Honor, Part 2: Wings of FireWhen you think of wings of fire, what comes to mind? Maybe speed, flight, or fierceness? This week is the story of another man of...
JoleneApr 20, 2021BiographiesMen of Honor, Part 1: Mountains of TypeThis country has had many sons who could be called men of honor (a number have been awarded the medal of honor), several of whom have...
JoleneFeb 9, 2021BiographiesA Love of MathAs a teenager, my husband spent many hours diving into books about the NASA space program. Because of this he wanted to share one of his...
JoleneDec 15, 2020Biographies"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas..."These words are heard in almost every store and in many homes when the Christmas season arrives. But have you ever wondered who actually...
JoleneDec 8, 2020OpinionWe’ll meet again..."We'll meet again Don't know where Don't know when But I know we'll meet again some sunny day Keep smiling through Just like you always...
JoleneDec 1, 2020History of EventsA Day That Shall Live in InfamyDecember 20, 1944, and many of you thought I was going to say December 7! Well, we shall discuss both dates this week, beginning with 7...
JoleneNov 10, 2020Fort McHenryArmistice Day - of Poppies and PoetryAt the 11 hour, on the 11 day of the 11 month (1918) the guns of World War One fell silent. It had been a "war to end all wars". That...